Kretzulescu Church

The Kretzulescu – Cretulescu church, considered one of the most valuable architectural monuments from the end of the Brancovan period, is one of the oldest churches in Bucharest.

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The Kretzulescu – Cretulescu church, considered one of the most valuable architectural monuments from the end of the Brancovan period, is one of the oldest churches in Bucharest. It was built between 1720-1722, through the efforts of Iordache Kretzulescu and his wife, Safta, the daughter of  Constantin Brancoveanu.

The church is built in the form of a cross, with a tower and a bell-tower. The turrets of the church are placed on an octagonal plane, and the windows are narrow and surrounded by arches. The exterior decoration is of brick, and the facades have a thin plaster. The lower part of the church is wide, specific to Brancovan art. It has rectangular panels, which frame the windows, while the upper register has high panels. The church has a porch with five arches, on the west facade, and with two arches, on the two sides, which rest on stone pillars.

The Kretzulescu church is not only a simple valuable work of old Romanian architecture, but also one of the few good buildings that were built in the era immediately following the reign of Constantin Brancoveanu.


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