A walk through history

The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest measures 270 m by 240 m, 86 m high, and 92 m below the ground. It has 12 levels on the surface and another 8 underground. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Palace of Parliament is the largest administrative building for civil use in the world, the most expensive administrative building in the world and the largest building in the world, entering the record book three times. The Palace of Parliament building is located in the central part of Bucharest (in district 5), on the place that is today called Dealul Arsenalului.
The University Square is the most popular meeting point in Bucharest, a place full of history and significance, a space that gives the capital its identity.
Its shape is influenced by the model of “Great Intersection” (La Grande Croisee), delimiting the north-south and east-west axes, so as to encourage urban modernization through Parisian influence. This is where the buildings of the University of Bucharest, the National Theater “I. L. Caragiale” and the Intercontinental Hotel are located.

The Revolution Square in Bucharest is one of the places with the most complex history, a landmark of local and national culture and history. This is where the revolution of 1989 started. The statues around the square are elements of the story from the communist era in Bucharest. Around the square you will see: the former headquarters of the communist party, in the corner of the square you can see a fascinating building with an old facade and modern interior – former conspirative house and nowadays the headquarters of the Order of Architects in Romania.
Victoria Palace was designed by the architect Duiliu Marcu, and built between 1937-1944. Located in Victoriei Square, it served as headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Ministers, and currently as headquarters of the Government of Romania.
The building has two interior gardens that are accessible from the ground floor. A gallery of honor that is decorated with columns and mirrors, it connects the reception hall and banquet halls and council. Unlike the first floor, which is dedicated to receptions, the upper levels are occupied by offices of government officials.

TVR – Romanian Public Television
The Romanian Television Society or simply the Romanian Television (TVR) is the public television institution in Romania, which broadcasts its programs on four main channels: TVR 1, TVR 2, TVR 3 and TVR International.
In 1928 the engineer George Cristescu developed a mechanical television system, also managing to broadcast images at a distance. On October 30, 1937, the engineer Cristian Musceleanu presented to the Romanian public a Nipkow disc television station, at the Politehnica in Bucharest.
Primaverii Palace or “Ceausescu House” was for a quarter of a century (1965 – 1989) the private residence of spouses Nicolae (Romanian communist politician and leader) and Elena Ceausescu and their children, Nicu, Zoia and Valentin.
Built in the mid-60s, the house was enlarged between 1970 and 1972. For the Ceausescu family residence, architect Aron Grimberg-Solari was preferred. The architecture of the palace is complemented by the landscape ensemble designed by the architect Robert Woll (in fact the main designer of the residence’s furniture) and the landscape engineer Teodosiu.

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